What is Enlightenment? The teachings of A Course In Mircles
Question: What exactly is Enlightenment?
Thank you for asking the questions that can come in your mind, even though they seem “rather peculiar” for you. In Enlightenment all perceived pain has vanished, for what but wrong-mindedness gave the impression to make the misperception called pain.
Pain was the illusion that Christ could leave a Loving Creator’s Mind. “If pain is real there is absolutely no God. If God is real there isn’t any pain.”(W-190.3) Rogues is true because God does not have any opposite. Enlightenment entails no pain or displeasure about ANYTHING, for Enlightenment is Pure, Constant Happiness, Peace, Freedom, and Joy. Being Constant, Enlightenment knows not of change. The illusion of vulnerability and fluctuating emotions went at the same time. There is absolutely no ego to fall “back into.” Spirit Abides in gentle Love. All pain is finished Now and zip remains but a blessing of Stillness.
The Holy Spirit is the reminder that Every day life is Eternal. The Present Moment is the gateway to Eternity. The field of images was obviously a whole world of illusion. Images therefore are neutral towards the Holy Spirit. These folks were “neutralized” the minute they gave the impression to arise.
Exactly what does this suggest in terms of the second question? You cannot kill what needs never lived, along with the Holy Spirit’s Perspective of forgiveness harm is impossible. Bodies weren’t born rather than die as the arena of images could be the past. It really is impossible to locate beginnings and endings in a script which is already written and also over sometime ago. There is no life in images. This is the specification of “Hold no graven images before the Lord Thy God.” All images were created to obscure the reality from awareness, and so they could only be forgiven as you illusion. If illusions might be divided up into living and dead, organic and inorganic, animate and inanimate Enlightenment can be impossible. For which is Enlightenment but Pure Oneness, beyond the potential for division of any type? The split mind was the illusion. Seek never to project the split mind to forms and call some forms alive and a few forms dead. God knows not form. The split mind was the “killer” illusion, but the Holy Spirit reminds the sleeping mind that what is whole and unified can’t ever BE split. In Heaven Mind is One Spirit, and also intended for the world forgiveness reflects this Oneness. The forgiven world recognizes the unity in the healed mind and understands that there’s nothing “outside” on this single mind which dreams softly a contented, gentle dream. The objective of ACIM would be to dream softly of your sinless world. This goal is more than possible, it really is inevitable!
In terms of my seeming diet, “eat what exactly is served” will be the Guidance I used to be given through the Holy Spirit many years ago. Join along with your brother and let no concept come between the Love you share. This Guidance has not yet changed. “Dinner” is obviously a backdrop for sharing the Joy of the Living Moment. Just what the world calls “breathing” and “eating” and “drinking” and “sleeping” are actually all the same inside the Enlightened State. The Healed Perspective sees the sameness of the things because they all share the same Purpose: forgiveness. This angle is not “personal,” for in unified perception absolutely nothing is personal. God is not any respecter of persons. I literally cannot “take” an animal’s “life” because Life’s Spirit which enable it to simply be extended or Given as God Gives. “Take” has no meaning produce and also, since animals haven’t ever “lived” it is impossible they could “die.” The concept expressed inside the thought “personally take an animal’s life” has several underlying assumptions that are false. In right-mindedness no doubt that ideas are strengthened since they are given away for free or shared, and “taking” a “life” or some thing doesn’t have any meaning. All of that I give is given to mySelf, along with giving there is no loss, no sacrifice, and nothing is ever taken away from wholeness and unity. The teacher of God will not want anything that can’t be distributed for free. Such is the Joy of miracles! Prospect seeds seem to be flung everywhere, yet there’s never even a glance returning to see the place that the seeds land. The seeds should never be for an “other,” as well as giving and receiving are similar the mind receives the gifts it gives. That is the feast you look for within the ego’s questions.
The one question which need be asked is often a question that isn’t really silly at all: Shall we be ready to understand that God’s Will and My personal are exactly the same? God’s Will for Me is good for Perfect Happiness. And what however Will is the Will of Christ? Happily, nothing can adjust Eternal Love. Thank You God!
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