It’s Not Difficult to Create Impressive Webpages

To build your brand, attract site readers and make a great impression you need to recognize how important your web page design really is. While there are all sorts of things that will factor into the success of your website, your major concern is the design. So what exactly should you focus on to make sure your web design is flawless? Have a look at some of the things that you need to remember quite a lot.

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Give your filenames, which are your webpages, names that actually inform people and bots about your pages. Doing this is mainly for Google, and while it will not necessarily have a huge impact on your rankings, it will help to some degree. Your main keyword phrase for that page will go in the filename extension. Totally ignore the use of the underscore here, but what you do want to use are hyphenated phrases. If you use no spaces and the words are next to each other the bots will not read them properly. While not totally about web design, it will contribute some amount to usability perhaps.

Each of your webpages should consist of a header where you have the link that goes to your site’s homepage.

We recommend using the link text, Home, so people know immediately the purpose. You want to give people the ability to quickly “go home” on each and every page. If you lack consistency with link placement, people probably will get the feeling the site is unprofessional. You can place your logo in the top left area of the header and make that a clickable home page link.

Why a Favicon is Important: “Favorite icons” or favicons are a simple feature that can really add to the overall quality of your site. You can easily brand your website and make it easier to find by having a favicon. This will allow you to have your logo to be displayed in the URL box. Favicons also work with social bookmarking, so as people bookmark your pages, your icon will appear, helping to make your site memorable.

The more time that goes on the better and better your website will be as you find success and make incremental improvements. You need to make sure that you focus first on basic web design so that your site won’t come up short anywhere. Web design isn’t really that complicated but often people turn it into something that is. If you want people to respond well to your site and get as many sales as possible and build a really good brand, you need to focus first on building a good foundation.
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